Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Well, I did try to keep my cool this time. My daughter, Rylee, came into the world at around 6am. We were all still mourning the loss of Mother, but this little blessing was much adored and appreciated. Such a loving child, there's something in her eyes that worries me a bit, but I'm sure it's just me being over protective. She's a perfect child...as long as you don't take her outside.
The rest of the family poured themselves into their chosen fields to pass the mourning period. Brandon has been chained to his desk, Catrina barely looks up from studying for her officer training. and Leanna spends most of her time out around town playing her guitar.
We were able to all get together for another family portrait though. I can't help but think it looks like something is missing without mother or dad in the picture. I suppose that's how it should be though.
Rylee is progressing nicely. She quickly learned her sim-e-zees and plays her logic blocks and xylophone like a master. She really hates to be taken outside though, I can't figure that out.
Milo is doing great as well. He's accompanied his Aunt Leanna a few times trying to sell his baked goods. He's so cute cooking on that little stove. The cookies are great, but he's not had much luck selling any of them so far. He did make the honor roll at school. Monique and I couldn't be prouder.
Leanna brought home a Simbot. He said his name is LeShawn. When I told him I didn't really have a place for him to recharge, he slept in the sarcophagus my parents brought back from Egypt. It's a bit creepy, but I guess I'm glad it's getting some use. Monique was hoping that LeShawn would be helping her around the house and with the kids, but it seems he has his own dreams. He wants to be a stylist! Imagine it. He doesn't even wear clothes, but he's going to tell others what they should wear? I wish him well I guess. He did help us construct a garage, and went to work inventing lovely little toys and widgets that the kids just love.

All of Catrina's hard work has seemed to pay off. she received her first space mission the other day. She was just glowing with pride of achievement when she announced it to us. Between her promotion money and the money Leanna had made from her paintings, they decided they had enough to buy a cute little bungalow down by the riverside. I am sure I will miss them, but it was past time that they were on their own. I think Brandon will be here until he's an old man. he's shown no interest in getting married or having children. he seems satisfied to write his books and dote on his niece and nephew. As long as he's happy, I suppose that's all that matters.

I guess I was a bit of mess when Monique went into labor.

I was too nervous to drive us to the hospital even, so she drove us herself.

I couldn't even bring myself to go into the hospital, I was afraid something would go wrong if I did. Instead I stayed outside and waited with other expectant family members. My heart leaped when my beautiful wife appeared with our beautiful baby boy.
Monique is a wonderful mother. She fairly dotes on the child. He has become her whole world. Well almost her whole world. The same day Milo learned to walk, we found out that we were expecting our second child! I hope I can keep my cool a bit better this time.

The rest of the family is doing well. Brandon's writing has skyrocketed him into the world of literature. His editor is a bit irritated that he is such a recluse and won't come out to meet his adoring public. He seems happy enough as he is though, so I don't push him. Catrina is solely focused on her career. Mother has been pushing for her to get married, but she's shown no interest in anyone. Leanna on the other hand shows interest in everyone, but no one in particular. I thought she might fall for Darren Wyrick next door, but it didn't seem to work out. He's a bit too old for her anyway. She still enjoys spending all her time painting or playing her guitar around town for tips. As a family we've reached a point that none of us would have to work, so it's nice that she can follow her dreams instead. I guess we all can. I can only hope that we have made life secure enough that future generations can do the same. 

Mother passed over. She was out at her pond, fishing, when it happened. Would that we all go doing something we love. She lived a good long life, 102 when she left us. I still catch glimpses of her from time to time. We erected tombstones for her and Dad in the graveyard he had built when his parents passed. As much as I remember hearing her complain about it I can't help but wonder if she still feels the same now that she resides there. 
You will be missed Delores Winchell. 

I must go now, I think I hear my wife calling out for me...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I figured it was time for a new family photo. We all miss Dad a lot, but I know he would want us to go on, and keep the blog alive. I'm Russ Winchell, the one in the suit and smashing lime shirt. Beside me is my lovely wife Monique. She's carrying our first born right now, I guess that's why she looks a little frumpy in the photo (Don't tell her I said that, though). On the other side is Mom. She's held up real well since Dad passed on. She does spend a lot of time by herself, fishing at various spots around town. She has also found new joy in cooking, now that Dad isn't around to show off his Culinary expertise.

The day I asked Monique to be my wife was the most glorious day ever. I wish it could have been somewhere fancier than the kitchen, but when the muse strikes, one must follow. At least I wasn't all singed from work. I work at the Science Lab, I run the place now, but sometimes experiments go awry and I come home looking a little worse for wear. Monique doesn't seem to mind. Isn't she great? We didn't waste any time getting started on our family, and it wasn't long before she was telling me that I was going to be a dad soon. There is so much to do. We don't have room for a baby. I wonder if Brandon or the girls, Catrina and Leanna, would consider moving out.
Nah, it's probably easier to just build on to the house. I'll have to talk to the architect about that. We could expand the upper floor easily enough I think. I think I might talk to him about a garage too. With so many adults in the house 3 cars hardly seems like enough. And around the meditation circle I could add a Dojo. I wonder how much the architect knows about Chinese architecture.

Leanna had an amazing opportunity to go play her music in Egypt. She didn't get to travel in high school like Brandon and I did, so this was a great experience for her.She said she also did some exploring while she was there and found enough trinkets and a few really classy vases to pay for the trip and add to the family treasure trove. Such a fine legacy I have to leave to my children. There can always be more though.

Catrina was sent to China by the Military to learn more about Martial arts. She is in great shape these days. I can barely remember the pudgy little teenager I used to make fun of. She is well on her way to becoming an astronaut. I just hate that she has to leave so early in the morning, and she always comes home exhausted.

Brandon has become a premiere author and illustrator. He's been asked to paint pictures for the Bistro and even has one displayed in the Art Museum. His books sell like hot cakes. I am so proud of him. Mom is always complaining about all the art all over the house. For some reason she just can't stand it. Between Brandon and Leanna painting all the time and now Monique learning to paint too, I think it's no wonder Mom spends most of her time at the pond or across the street at the park fishing.

Looks like I'll have to cut this short, I think Monique is going into labor!