Friday, August 20, 2010

A Growing Family

Dad finally got the position at the TV station that he wanted, unfortunately he died the same night. He was on his computer in the study, working on a story about City Hall when the Reaper came for him. As I suspected he tried to get an interview before he left. He wasn't successful.

I commissioned a family graveyard in the back corner of the property. Delores chastised me for spending so much money, but you can't put a price on honoring the dead can you? Mom would have loved the roses and the cherry tree we moved the remains to.

Devlin has been fishing a lot lately, I think it helps him relieve the stress of writing when he isn't feeling inspired to paint. I had to stifle a laugh when I saw him fall on his arse when he was casting off the other night.

We turned Mother and Dad's room into a nursery for the baby. Devlin said he wanted their bed and dresser, he's acting so grown up now. We put the twin beds up in the attic and brought out our crib and toys from childhood. Delores insisted that we repaint them, I was kind of surprised she didn't want new ones, but she said that would be a waste of money.

Devlin has been great helping out with Russ while Delores recuperated. I wasn't able to take any time off work so it was a godsend to have him there. I think it might have started him thinking about starting his own family.

Mother and Dad's ghosts tend to visit us often. They usually head straight for the computer games or TV. It used to wake Devlin up, but now he's getting used to it.

Once Delores was feeling better, we went on the honeymoon we had put off before. With my recent promotions we had a much better time than we would have had if we'd gone right after our marriage vows. Is it odd that Delores didn't mention missing the baby once?

We both went on different adventures the first day. Judging by the state that I found Delores in when I returned to the Base Camp, I think her's didn't go well. She finished up faster then I did and joined me while I laid the remains of a lost priest to rest in the graveyard.

We spent the majority of our last day in France at the lake fishing. We even caught enough frogs to stock the pond at home. Frog legs anyone?

Devlin began courting a girl he's known since elementary school. They get along pretty well. It's too bad that he didn't realize that she was insane until after he asked her to marry him.

I can't say I'm very upset that she said no, but Devlin was devastated.

Since I needed a recipe for Falafel and couldn't find one locally, he offered to go to Egypt and get it for me. He apparently spent the entire trip after the shopping at a fishing hole, where he could clear his mind. I've not heard him mention Lawanda once since he returned home. I hope the infatuation dies and he can find someone else.

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