Saturday, August 28, 2010

Catrina has really been working hard to get ready to join the military upon her graduation. She's been jogging all over town. As a father I worry about her out alone like that, but I do admire her will power. I can really see the change in her too. She no longer has that baby fat she suffered with as a child. If it wasn't for the fact that they did their hair differently it would be a lot harder to tell her and her twin sister apart now.

Brandon got to visit Egypt to deliver one of his mystery books that was based there, to the National library. He was greatly honored and thrilled to have a chance to explore another country. He couldn't stop talking about the pyramids and how elaborate the decor was compared to the starkness of the landscape. I had hopes that he would meet his future wife there, but so far I've not heard him mention anyone.

Russ invited his female friend over for dinner. It was nice to get all 4 kids at the table at the same time. Lately it seems they are all running off in different directions and we rarely get to sit down as a family for dinner. We barely even all sleep at the same time. Russ gets up so early for his job, and the girls for school ,that they are to bed early most nights. Brandon keeps his own schedule, just sleeping when he can't stand on his feet, or stare at his computer screen any longer.

And there are my two little girls, all grown up at their birthday/graduation party. It was a great time for everyone. We got a cake for each of them so there was plenty to go around. The next day Catrina headed off to basic training. She was very eager to start her training towards becoming an astronaut. The recruiter said she really shows potential. Leanna hasn't really shown any interest in a real job,  instead she's been playing her guitar at the park for tips and selling her paintings. At least the chances are good that she'll meet someone that way. Hopefully someone wealthy enough to take care of her the way she needs.

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