Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Well, I did try to keep my cool this time. My daughter, Rylee, came into the world at around 6am. We were all still mourning the loss of Mother, but this little blessing was much adored and appreciated. Such a loving child, there's something in her eyes that worries me a bit, but I'm sure it's just me being over protective. She's a perfect child...as long as you don't take her outside.
The rest of the family poured themselves into their chosen fields to pass the mourning period. Brandon has been chained to his desk, Catrina barely looks up from studying for her officer training. and Leanna spends most of her time out around town playing her guitar.
We were able to all get together for another family portrait though. I can't help but think it looks like something is missing without mother or dad in the picture. I suppose that's how it should be though.
Rylee is progressing nicely. She quickly learned her sim-e-zees and plays her logic blocks and xylophone like a master. She really hates to be taken outside though, I can't figure that out.
Milo is doing great as well. He's accompanied his Aunt Leanna a few times trying to sell his baked goods. He's so cute cooking on that little stove. The cookies are great, but he's not had much luck selling any of them so far. He did make the honor roll at school. Monique and I couldn't be prouder.
Leanna brought home a Simbot. He said his name is LeShawn. When I told him I didn't really have a place for him to recharge, he slept in the sarcophagus my parents brought back from Egypt. It's a bit creepy, but I guess I'm glad it's getting some use. Monique was hoping that LeShawn would be helping her around the house and with the kids, but it seems he has his own dreams. He wants to be a stylist! Imagine it. He doesn't even wear clothes, but he's going to tell others what they should wear? I wish him well I guess. He did help us construct a garage, and went to work inventing lovely little toys and widgets that the kids just love.

All of Catrina's hard work has seemed to pay off. she received her first space mission the other day. She was just glowing with pride of achievement when she announced it to us. Between her promotion money and the money Leanna had made from her paintings, they decided they had enough to buy a cute little bungalow down by the riverside. I am sure I will miss them, but it was past time that they were on their own. I think Brandon will be here until he's an old man. he's shown no interest in getting married or having children. he seems satisfied to write his books and dote on his niece and nephew. As long as he's happy, I suppose that's all that matters.

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