I spent the next day harvesting my garden. When I spoke to Gus he encouraged me to sell my produce to the grocery store. I made $250 doing this! Can you believe it? I was able to get almost all of the walls of my bedroom constructed. I spent the evening recycling old newspapers I had been carrying around and cleaning up the house, when the sink sprung a leak! I guess that's what I get for buying second hand plumbing.

Not being able to afford the $50 a repairman would cost me, I decided to try the repair myself. Two hours later, and completely soaked to the bone, I had succeeded in my repair work. After mopping up the floor. I grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed to bed.
By the morning, all that hard work of the day before was apparent in the green haze emanating from my person. After breakfast, I headed to the gym for a shower and then off to the library to get in some cookbook studying before work. I loved my job as a Vegetable slicer, but I was itching to get in front of an oven. I learned to make spaghetti and sushi before I had to head to work. I decided today was as good a day as any to get to know my boss, Jared, better. So I spent as much time as I could talking to him at work today.
After work I headed over to the gym to watch this great cooking show Jared was telling me about. It really helped me wind down after a long day slicing vegetables. It did remind me that I was starving though, so I headed home to my grape pancakes. Unfortunately I had let the pancakes stay in the fridge a bit too long. They didn't set well in my stomach. To say the least it was not a very restful night.
I woke up to a clogged toilet and dirty sink. Not the best way to start the day. By the time I'd made breakfast and cleaned up I was 20 minutes late for work. By the end of my shift I was beat. I made it to the gym to shower the tomato and plum sauce off of me, and sauntered off home. I couldn't go to bed before harvesting my garden though, I didn't want all that produce to go to waste. Plus, I almost had enough money to finish my bedroom walls, and the income from the harvest put me over the top. So I am now in possession of a bedroom and a bathroom with walls. Just a bit more to go before I can officially call this a house.
The next day after work I met a few guys at the park. One guy goes by the name Cycl0n3. He's really into computers. We had a lot in common. He also has a girlfriend unfortunately. When I got home I found that my patch job on the sink had not held. So I tried again. Granny always said "If at first you don't succeed, try try again." After that I worked in the garden a bit before leaving for work.
The work day was grueling, but I really do love the atmosphere. And I must be doing something right, because after work Jared, my boss, pulled me aside and said that a new position had just opened up and would I be interested? Would I be interested?! Are you kidding. So now I get to put my tongue to work instead of my knives, as an ingredient taster. Too tired to celebrate that night though, I rushed home to plan how to spend my bonus, in my dreams.
I started the contract working on the front walls. Only a few more to go before I have a fully enclosed living space. I even managed to find the perfect front door. It was made by a carpentry company from Al Simhara. The artistry is exquisite, and the price was great.
The calendar on my phone reminded me that my birthday is coming up. I had hoped to accomplish so much more in my life before now. Well I guess I have 3 more days to get some of it done.
I decided I really did want to get in shape, so I started the day, after breakfast that is, by going to the gym and working out for an hour, before taking my shower and heading off to work. I am SOO out of shape! I'm going to make a concerted effort to get in better shape now. I want to have kids someday soon, and I don't want them running circles around me!

I'm going to have to plan things better though, because I was late getting to work again. I got a little sloppy while there, thinking about all the things I wanted to do. When a co-worker started talking to me, I forgot to close the oven door and got caught on fire. Luckily my co-workers reacted quickly and put me out...with the garlic extract sauce. Phew! I didn't think I'd ever get THAT smell out of my hair.
So I headed back to the gym for one more shower before heading home. I was so glad I had a few days off coming up. My stress level has been through the roof lately, and I don't know why.

I went by the bookstore on my way home. I couldn't really afford anything right now, but it doesn't hurt to look, right? I started talking to a guy I'd run into at the gym a couple times. It smelled like he'd just come from there himself, without taking advantage of the showers, I might add. We had a great conversation though, and I promised I'd give him a call in a few days to get together. I've not heard from Gus lately, though I did see him coming into the diner with another lady. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Besides, he's apparently older than I first suspected. His hair has turned all white!
The next day I took the opportunity to sleep in, fix a nice salad, and prepare to work in the garden. My plans were waylaid once again by that darn sink! I am getting better at fixing it, but it still takes time I would rather spend doing other things. After tending and fertilizing the garden, I spent a little time cleaning the house. The toilet clogged up again and I almost screamed. Home ownership is not all it's cracked up to be! One more day before I go back to work. I was determined to spend it doing things I wanted to do. It was my birthday afterall.